Version 1.74 - 27/09/06
- fixed regression bug that caused game to crash on restarting a battle
- made a small fix to checking the equality of two groups in AI scripts (it almost always worked before but it was possible for it to not work)
Version 1.73 - 30/08/06
- fixed regression bug that script error reports do not include a line number
Version 1.72 - 23/08/06
- slightly reduced small laser power yet further
- increased frigate armour and shield
- slightly reduced capital ship armour
- range circles are drawn somewhat more accurately
- slightly increased length of large laser animation (purely visual change)
Version 1.71 - 16/08/06
- put small laser range back up to 600
- slightly reduced small laser power
- range circles are no longer drawn individually for each capital ship weapon
- some optimizations
- some bug fixes to bugs noone noticed
Version 1.7 - 05/08/06
- battles are now properly deterministic, so whenever you restart a battle the same random seed will always give the same result (previously restarting a battle without restarting the game could give differing results)
- frigates and capital ships work out weapon ranges between the nearest points of themselves and their target, rather than from their weapon points (which was how capital ships worked previously) or from their centre (which was how frigates worked previously)
- small laser range reduced from 600 to 400
- removed -D__linux__ from makefile as now WIN32 is now tested for instead
Version 1.69 - 22/07/06
- moveaway commands now correctly overwrite old move commands given in the same run of a script
- ships only stop moving on collision with their movement target if they are moving towards them, not if they are moving away from them
- ships will not fly off the screen when attempting to de-overlap themselves
- fixed a massive memory leak when loading images
- improve some error messages and avoid some crashes when attempting to load non-existent files
- updated to SDL 1.2.11
- Windows GDI is now the default graphics driver in Windows, because for some reason it seems to be faster than DirectDraw
- graphics driver option in settings file now also has an effect in Windows
Version 1.67 - 25/06/06
- capital ship weapons no longer become dysfunctional when a capital ship takes damage
Version 1.66 - 08/06/06
- fixed laggy mouse response regression
- right clicking on side popup gives both whole side and individual group options
- added side list group info type cycling to right click menu (previously just a keyboard shortcut)
- removed follow view option from windows and shortcut keys, as for some time now it has been automatic whenever you select a group
- changed #ifdef __linux__ to #ifndef WIN32 so things like storing the settings file in $HOME will now also happen when compiling on other unix like
- changed documentation and command line help to be more wary of recommending people to use the dga video driver in Linux
Version 1.65 - 16/05/06
- maybe fullscreen switching won't ever crash now (now whenever you switch all graphics are reloaded)
- fixed some issues with in game resolution switching
- game speed is reset on battle end
- title screen logo centred depending on screen dimensions
- fixed exceedingly minor bug only visible on incredibly fast computers
Version 1.64 - 14/05/06
- in game fullscreen toggling and resolution changing
- added new high 1280*1024 resolution
- previous Linux users will need to delete their old settings.dat
- an array wasn't quite big enough for the sprintf which was then used on it because the output was bigger than when I first chose the size for the array, running in debug mode I got a crash due to this. Really I should use snprintf but nevermind, instead I just made a whole bunch of arrays a little bigger
- now has a window title
- a bit of minor code tidying
Version 1.63 - 17/04/06
- opened up forum again, opened up fleet submission again
- removed dependency on SDL_gfx
- no longer draw a circle with a radius of 1 when displaying the range of a ship without a weapon
- change to MSVC++ to compile Windows version again
Version 1.62 - 02/11/05
- fixed range circles sometimes crashing game in fullscreen
- ships are selected when chosen from the side group list
- ships can now be deselected after they have been killed
Version 1.61 - 01/11/05
- all torpedos now do 100 more damage
- small weapons on capital ships and frigates become dysfunctional as ships take damage
- selecting a unit displays range circles (a white circle for small weapons and a light blue circle for big weapons)
- the cursor keys can now be used to scroll the view
Version 1.6 - 30/10/05
- torpedo range increased from 400 to 600
- if a ship fires at a group that has been entirely destroyed, it will now fire at the last known position of the last
unit left alive in that group, rather than the last known position of a random unit from that group
- very minor code tidying
Version 1.55 - 20/09/05
- if ordered to move towards a dead group (i.e. via a save group variable), ships will still do so, but they will
not attack them
- added total remaining health to batch mode output
- removed unused "Flag" information from fleet information window
Version 1.54 - 11/08/05
- fixed batch mode not working regression
Version 1.53 - 10/08/05
- fixed hard lock on exiting fleet editor on some computers
- fixed exiting entire game when you quit the fleet editor
Version 1.52 - 09/08/05
- I thought I'd fixed a freeze bug, but didn't actually
- I think that now all AI script errors are immune from "my screen has filled with popups!" problems if the same error occurs for lots of different units at once
- game uses far less CPU in menu screens
- when you copy a fleet, any pictures for that fleet are also copied
- game does not warn about multiple move commands
Version 1.51 - 26/07/05
- fix typo in #ifdefed Linux code
Version 1.5 - 24/07/05
- unit pictures can now be stored in an individual fleet's directory as well as the base "standardpictures" directory
- all fleets in database that use pictures changed round to use their own unitpictures directory, and also changed all zips to be relative to "fleets" directory rather than to base GalaxyHack directory
Version 1.47 - 28/06/05
- revert to earlier version of GCC, I'm pretty sure 3.4.4 was causing crashes
Version 1.46 - 22/06/05
- change back to GCC, VC2005 was causing issues for some (well at least one and therefore probably more) users
Version 1.45 - 20/06/05
- small ships equipped with torpedos suffer a 25% movement penalty (meaning a ship with ultra engines and torpedos is a tiny bit slower than a ship with improved engines but no torpedos)
- overlapping capital ships and frigates no longer cause each other damage when they explode
- if a number of frigates and/or capital ships are all trying to move towards the same target, they will attempt not to overlap each other
- frigates can no longer be made to overlap each other in the fleet editor
- Possibly fixed a bug that could cause the fleet editor to crash (hopefully)
- S is a shortcut key for Setup Battle, To Battle, or Start Battle, depending on context. So hitting "S" 3 times from the main menu will start a battle
- F is a shortcut key for Fleet Editor
- Switched compiler from GCC to Microsoft VC2005
Version 1.43 - 14/06/05
- capital ships are 1/4 of the cost (or 2.5 times the cost in versions before 1.4)
- capital ships have 1/4 the armour
- torpedos have just over 1/4 the power
- large lasers have increased range
- large lasers have increased firing rate
- ultra small engines are slightly more expensive
- ultra big engines are slightly more expensive
- improved small shields and ultra small shields are slightly more expensive
- fixed setting group saved groups from within the force editor
- space bar can be used to toggle a game speed slider
- I is a hot key for standard game speed, O is a hot key for maximum game speed
- keypad + and - can be used to control game speed
- game checks that no units exceed their maximum points value when loading a fleet
- when a large laser hits a capital ship or frigate, it creates an explosion (a purely visual change)
- torpedo explosions last less time (a purely visual change)
Version 1.42 - 12/06/05
- now runs about twice as fast (though batch mode is almost unaffected)
- exploding ships damaging overlapping ships now works properly
- no longer possible to select dead groups
- no longer sometimes crashes if game remembers fleets which are then deleted
- compiling creates far fewer warnings
Version 1.4 - 12/06/05
- capital ships are ten times more expensive
- battle results are only written to the log file in batch mode
Version 1.39 - 11/06/05
- game speed slider and window color slider tell you when they are at the normal/default value
- re-added option to copy and delete fleets from fleet editor
- removed rename fleet option from fleet editor as it was broken
- tidied up some of the source code a bit
Version 1.38 - 25/05/05
- groups no longer have trouble moving away from each other if they are overlapping
Version 1.37 - 23/05/05
- when a capital ship or frigate explodes, all overlapping frigates and capital ships will be damaged
- fixed a couple of capital ship pictures that didn't have properly black backgrounds, causing some graphical glitches when they flew over the top of each other
- when dragging units into new positions immediately before a battle (i.e. not in the Fleet Editor) you are allowed to drag groups outside of their allowed starting positions for debugging purposes
Version 1.36 - 21/05/05
- fixed bug that meant small capital ships had very little health, and which also gave newly created units incorrect default equipment selections
Version 1.35 - 21/05/05
- made world arena quite a bit bigger. As part this change, all fleets now start with open space on all sides
- ships have momentum, and hence take a short time to change direction
- capital ships can move
- battles are no longer declared a draw if only capital ships are left
- it is less likely that bombers will run past fighters and the fighters are then unable to catch up
- Game is much faster when at maximum game speed (though in batch mode it is the same speed as before)
- white rectangle to show current view area on radar
- added option to exit without saving to force editor
- increased keyboard key repeat delay so it is harder to accidently go back through too many stages with the escape key
- maximum instructions processed error messages go to AI error report window
- only first AI error is reported for each group to prevent massive numbers of error reports bringing the system to a crawl
- stats window is now the default group information window
- fixed bug in AI interpreter when combining a check on a saved world edge with an && or an ||
- AI report window reports compass directions correctly
- an error is reported if variables in scripts are not given a number
Version 1.25 - 14/05/05
- no program window at all is created in batch mode
- random numbers standardardized across different systems
- batch mode automatically sets speed to maximum possible
- frigates will not start firing big lasers and then stop half way through because their target has gone out of range in the meantime
- fixed issue that meant occasionally the game said the battle was a draw due to the frame limit being reached, when actually it was because there were no ships left other than capital ships
- prebattle state no longer keeps making calls to get random numbers for as long as you are in it, allowing battles to be totally deterministic
- added window that allows you to set the seed for the random number generator on the battle setup screen.
- added command line option -r <seed> to set the seed for the random number generator.
- game shuts down more cleanly if there is an error during initialization
Version 1.21 - 05/05/05
- Previous Linux versions probably automatically exited immediately whenever a battle ended. This should no longer happen
- distance/range checks no longer sometimes work incorrectly
- missiles are slightly more powerful
- removed option to toggle window borders and window transparency
- settings file has changed, Linux users must delete $HOME/galaxyhack/settings.dat
- batch mode automatically sets fullscreen to false and resolution to 640*480 on a temporary basis
- shields reset their recharge timer when hit
- rather than creating a popup AI errors can now be viewed from a side info window
- right clicking a fleet popup window or a fleet name in the main popup now allows you to select any of the available types of side info windows
- The Windows binary was compiled using GCC rather than Visual Studio. Combined with one of the bug fixes this probably means it runs slower
Version 1.18 - 28/03/05
- fixed bug that could make it impossible to give a capital ship small weapons
Version 1.17 - 28/03/05
- torpedos are a bit less powerful
- outstandingly minor change to prevent highly unlikely error in AI interpreter
Version 1.16 - 17/03/05
- the desktop icon optionally created by the installer now works properly
- removed the ability to copy and delete fleets from within the game because it was broken and I can't be bothered to fix it right now
Version 1.15 - 03/03/05
- include the correct Makefile
Version 1.13 - 14/02/05
- fixed regression bug which meant changing the size of a capital ship from within the fleet editor caused a crash
- the command line option to go straight into a battle is now a lower case x, not an upper case X
- an early work in progress command line option to run in batch mode (battles are not displayed, instead the results are written to a log file, and then the game automatically quits)
Version 1.12 - 13/02/05
- fixed regression bug in unit picture selection menu that made it slow and crash-prone
Version 1.11 - 10/02/05
- fixed regression bug in 1.1 which meant function calls didn't work if they had comments on the end
Version 1.1 - 06/02/05
- the Start Menu icon created by the Windows installer now works properly (grr)
- you can no longer accidently select groups behind the radar
- tabs are stripped off the end of function labels/calls
- more graceful handling of major errors in some circumstances
- removed ZipArchive dependency (and in doing so zip functionality)
Version 1.0 - 24/01/05
- clicking on a group during a battle selects that group, focusing the view on it and bringing up a window with information about it
- clicking on radar mini map now always works
- changing the fleet selection when setting up a battle has been streamlined a little bit
Version 0.98 - 18/01/05
- scripts can generate a random number between 1 and 100 with the keyword "random"
- the game now has a border if run in windowed mode. In Windows windowed mode is slow, in Linux windowed mode is ridiculously slow, but if you've got a fast computer maybe you'd prefer to run it in a window so you can alt tab to ai scripts etc.
- the game remembers which fleets have fought or been edited most recently and automatically loads those fleets when you click "Setup battle".
- the settings file has changed, so Linux users need to delete ~/.galaxyhack
- changed round to some different music
- reverted to old winning conditions: a fleet only wins if it destroys all of the enemy's/enemies' capital ships
Version 0.96 - 09/01/05
- The Windows release is now compiled with optimization, meaning it now runs more than twice as fast.
Version 0.94 - 03/01/05
- AI scripts now run every 10 frames, not every 11
- Added a couple more checks for invalid lines in AI scripts
Version 0.93 - 03/01/05
- fixed the bug that meant capital ships could be placed on top of each other when first added to a side
- fixed a few regression bugs from 0.92
- switched to Visual C++ to compile Windows binaries, and changed quite a lot of code to allow this. Currently the Windows binary is unoptimised and hence very slow, I'll sort this out at some point
Version 0.92 - 01/01/05
- Changed the victory conditions: A side has won, when for every enemy at least one of the following conditions is true:
- the enemy has no capital ships left
- the enemy has only capital ships left
- each fleet has its own directory - all the fleets in the database have been adjusted accordingly
- made torpedos quite a bit more powerful
- the settings file has changed, so Linux users need to delete ~/.galaxyhack
- major refactoring of GUI code
Version 0.9 - 21/12/04
- Fixed false "illegal starting positions" error message bug
- Fixed crash when moving towards a global saved world edge bug
- Fixed bug that allowed you to work around capital ship capacity limitations
- Capital ships are allowed AI scripts to carry out calculations and set variables
- Various minor user interface improvements - e.g. game and scroll speed sliders are now the traditional way round, and dead groups are listed in faded grey
- Added modulo (%) operator
Version 0.85 - 25/10/04
- added northedge, eastedge, southedge, westedge
- you can save world edges in save groups, test them in if statements, compare them for equality, or move towards them
- the game data is no longer a seperate file to the binary releases, you need only download a single file to install the game
Version 0.84 - 19/10/04
- if you select no to "include pictures" when zipping a fleet, the dialog box no longer remains on the screen
- blank space after the colon of a function label no longer prevents the byte-code compiler from being able to match the label
- loading game with music off and then turning music on will no longer abort the game
- the game inits video and audio seperately, and will keep going if no audio device is available (hopefully)
- checks people don't try to use a single equals sign in an if statement
- removed my capital ship and frigate programmer's art from data file
Version 0.83 - 09/10/04
- reset global variables when battle is restarted
- zip files no longer include pictures multiple times if the same picture is used for more than one type of unit
- made missiles slightly less powerful
- reduced range of missiles
Version 0.82 - 09/10/04
- in fixing the Windows XP problem in the last release, I broke the AI interpreter somewhere else. This has been fixed.
Version 0.81 - 09/10/04
- in previous versions the AI interpreter did not work correctly on some versions of Windows (including possibly all versions of XP). This has been fixed.
- added new art from David Meriwether to data file
- if we reach the end of a function before reaching a return, then return (rather than falling through). This means that putting a return on the end of each function is no longer always strictly neccessary.
- blue and yellow sides now have blue and yellow lasers
- some basic checks on edited weapon positions
- warning given if a group receives multiple move commands
Version 0.80 - 01/10/04
- fixed checking whether two global saved groups refer to the same actual group
- added specifiers insmallrange, inbigrange, ourinsmallrange, ourinbigrange
- positions of small weapons are no longer always overwritten by default values
- missiles are slightly more expensive
Version 0.79 - 26/09/04
- ability to find whether two groups refer to the same actual group
- increased power of torpedos
- increased range of missiles
- reduced cost of missiles
Version 0.78 - 25/09/04
- numx commands. Note that these cannot yet be used in if statements, currently they can only be assigned to variables
- removed option to zip up a fleet from Windows version for now because for some reason it seems to create corrupt zips
- for Linux users, added an option to include pictures when zipping
- given up on allowing brackets to order logical operations for now - brackets have been totally removed
- You no longer use brackets for tests following a "!" (not)
Version 0.77 - 19/09/04
- a fleet can only have a number of frigates proportional to its number of capital ships
- frigates only get one unit per group
- slowed down frigates a little bit
Version 0.75 - 18/09/04
- setting a saved group to "our" no longer causes problems
- having a comment one line before the last line of a script no longer causes the last line to be skipped
- an error message is given if indentation includes any spaces (as opposed to tabs)
- you can cycle through various sorts of information in a side's group summary list by pressing the F4 key
Version 0.74 - 17/09/04
- if statements no longer sometimes test for dead people when they shouldn't
- if statements no longer accidently test false due a typo in the source code
- FireBig resets from aiming stage if enemy now out of range
- added misstarget, an equivalent of torptarget for missiles
- fixed not being able to position newly added groups in the fleet editor until you saved and quit and reloaded the fleet again
- fixed cap ships not resetting bounding rect when their type is changed in force editor
Version 0.73 - 16/09/04
- totally restructured and rewritten much of the code that interprets "if" statements, hopefully they will be less prone to not working now
- There are now 10 of each sort of variable
- Old AI scripts which use timers will no longer work because when starting or reading a timer you must specify which of the 10 timers to use
- Old side data files will no longer work because side data files now store 10 of each save group. This is fairly easy to fix in a text editor if you look at a side created with a new version of the game to see the format in which they are saved
- I thought I'd made it so comments didn't interfere with blocks of code, but they did. This has been fixed.
- found out that the reason zipfleet wasn't working for anyone but me was because my zip program was ignoring empty directories when creating the release files. This has been fixed.
- setting savegroups to "our" works
- you can display side/group script variables mid battle
- you can now specify multiple pieces of information from a nearest type group in an if statement (as the documentation already heavily implied that you could)
- a few new health/shield/armour group specifiers
- if a group is patrolling and hits edge of screen, it will go back round its patrol circle in the opposite direction
- a great number of other minor improvements / minor bugs fixed
Version 0.72 - 13/09/04
- Added a bunch of options to settings.dat, removed a couple of command line options. This means that Linux users must delete ~/.galaxyhack before upgrading.
- Comments can now come at the end of line of code, they no longer always need a line to themselves
Version 0.71 - 12/09/04
- The AI interpreter was rewritten, this means:.
- 1. The game is no longer anywhere near as pernickety about the number of spaces you may or may not have between each token
- 2. When specifying multiple pieces of information from one group you should no longer use a comma (just use a space instead)
- Fixed the bug which meant small ships would fire torpedos when absolutely miles away from their target, even when not asked to fire at all.
- Fixed the bug that meant zipping up a fleet only worked in Linux.
Version 0.63 - 07/09/04
- Log file is now placed in the data directory, not in the current working directory (this doesn't affect Windows users).
Version 0.62 - 04/09/04
- Nested if/else/elif statements did not work correctly in any previous version, this has been fixed.
Version 0.61 - 23/08/04
- Somehow I managed to delete the empty (but required) "zippedfleets" directory in 0.6, it is reinstated in 0.61. (actually, I later discovered it was missing in this release too, and many others, due to my zip programming not including empty directories)
Version 0.6 - 22/08/04
- Changed to a more Python-esque syntax in two ways (this will totally break all existing AI scripts, sorry):
- 1. Blocks of commands are now grouped using tabs, not curly brackets
- 2. elseif has changed to elif (it still works in exactly the same way)
- Also, the game is now less likely to crash if it comes across an error in a script
Version 0.54 - 12/08/04
- Hopefully I really fixed function calls in AI scripts this time
- A new "Game Info" window, which for now just displays how many frames have elapsed
- Reorganised the part of the source that deals with AI scripts
Version 0.53 - 09/08/04
- I thought I fixed function calls in AI scripts in this version, which were broken in 0.5ish, but a stray "+1" meant actually I didn't.
- new command line option to skip menu screens and go straight into a battle
- added "none" as a possible value when testing for bigtype in AI scripts
- a couple of minor bug fixes
- the Makefile included in the source release is now somewhat less useless
Version 0.52 - 24/07/04
- Torpedos no longer look like they are missing half the time (actually two seperate bug fixes)
- Game no longer forgets to place stars in background the first time the game is loaded
- For Linux, gives galaxyhack root permissions
- Restart battle has an "Are you sure?" dialog
- Returning from position forces no longer goes right back to "choose which force to edit"
- Morennian frigates now have a slightly different AI script in the included test side (still very boring though)
- Very minor tidy up of readme.txt
- Source code tidied up a tiny bit
Version 0.51 - 21/07/04
- I forgot to include the required dlls in the 0.5 Windows binary
Version 0.5 - 20/07/04
- Totally removed network play. Instead, you can download other fleets to test yours against from an online database. You are encouraged to submit your own
- For this to work some changes have been made. For instance, starting positions for groups are now chosen at the same time as designing your fleet, not immediately prior to battle starting
- Because of this, old fleet data files will no longer work. Old unit files and AI scripts will still work fine
- It is now possible to script simple arithmetic in AI scripts: +, -, *, /, ++, --
- New variable that allows you to check the number of units left in the group
- New variable that allows you to check how many torpedos are already flying towards a given capital ship
- New variable that allows you to check what type of ship a group contains
- Various minor bug fixes/changes/improvements
Version 0.42 - 08/05/04
- fixed setting saved group variables from within the force editor
- a bit more tidying up of the source
Version 0.41 - 07/05/04
- fixed "bigammo"
- changed "aedge" to "nedge", and made it work
- lots of largely superficial tidying up and improving of the source in various ways
Version 0.4 - 30/04/04
- AI scripts are read and interpreted in a staggered fashion once every 10 frames (at the standard game speed this is 3 times a second), so the game should be able to cope with far larger AI scripts without slowing down
- in totally the opposite direction, the speed of all units and weapons has been reduced so the game can be watched at a fairly relaxed pace without everything becoming all jerky
- changed the included test sides to use the nice artwork contributed by Kasper Hviid
- More comprehensive testing for game end conditions
- Various minor changes and bugs fixed
Version 0.3 - 26/04/04
- Windows version
- New Linux version is compatible with the Windows version
- Large lasers now have 70% accuracy (as opposed to the somewhat less than skilled 0% that it was before)
Version 0.2 - 23/04/04
- server checks whether clients are using the same game data and same version of game (though it would be very easy for cheaters to remove these checks and compile their own cheater's version)
- choosing a new unit picture is less awkward
- some exceedingly basic checks for syntax errors in AI scripts
- general code tidying/very minor bug fixing
Version 0.1 - 11/04/04
- First publicised release
- Fairly feature complete
- Versions 0.11 to 0.13 fixed various minor bugs which noone ever saw because the game was already at 0.13 by the time it was added to the Linux Game Tome.